Karl Fischer Titrations
Our scientists utilize Karl Fischer analysis to quantitatively and specifically measure water content in liquids and solids. This technique is useful in cases where loss on drying determinations may not be adequate or effective to release bound water, or if weight loss through heating may include other volatiles besides water.
At RML, we have the capability of performing both coulometric and volumetric Karl Fischer titrations, either by direct titration or with the use of a desorption oven, to determine the water content of your samples. These analyses are performed in compliance with USP Chapter <921>, Method I.
Please use our RML Analysis Request Form to request your Karl Fischer analysis today.
General Titrations
Robertson Microlit Laboratories can perform a variety of acid-base, redox, non-aqueous, and other volumetric titrimetion analyses utilizing indicators for visual endpoint determinations, or instrumentally for potentiometric endpoints. For more information on this service, please feel free to contact us.
When requesting titration analysis, please use our RML Analysis Request Form.