Metals Analysis
Our metals experts provide a full range of metals analysis and trace metals testing services. We offer multiple methods of performing these analyses, depending upon your needs and detection limits.
We have extensive, state-of-the-art capabilities to detect and accurately quantitate metal species in pharmaceutical or chemical compounds at percent, ppm, ppb, and in some cases, ppt levels, through the use of flame atomic absorption, atomic emission, and plasma-based instrumental techniques.
ICP-OES/ICP-MS Metals Testing
Our inductively coupled plasma (ICP) instrumentation utilizes high-temperature excitation to desolvate, vaporize, and atomize samples in aerosol form. The species of interest are then ionized and detected by observing their atomic optical emission lines, or using a mass detector. ICP-OES or ICP-MS is the method of choice for the accurate determination of metals and metal impurities in pharmaceutical or other chemical substances. At RML, our ICP analyses are performed in compliance with USP Chapters <730>/<1730>, Chapters <232>/<233>, ICH Q3D, or in conformance to our clients’ requirements.
ICP-MS Analysis Service
With the latest ICP-MS technology, we have the ability to measure difficult samples containing up to 25% total dissolved solids (TDS) at levels ranging from parts-per-trillion (ppt) to percent.

ICP-MS Testing (Multi-Element Scan)
Our ICP-MS specialists can perform semi-quantitative determinations of the concentration of up to 71 elements. This analysis enables us to identify the inorganic elemental composition or trace elemental content of a sample preparation. The Elemental Scan provides an excellent and cost-effective approach to the characterization of unknowns, or identifying unexpected components, and provides a comprehensive report of each element and its concentration in your sample.
Please use our RML Analysis Request Form to request your multi-elemental scan today.
USP <232>/<233> Elemental Impurities
Our elemental analysis experts have extensive experience in ensuring compliance with USP General Chapters <232> and <233>, Elemental Impurities. All drug products produced and/or sold in the United States are required to comply with these requirements, which set exposure and toxicity limits designed to provide safer products to consumers.
USP Elemental Impurities are determined using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) instrumentation, which we have been routinely using for more than 20 years. Utilizing microwave digestion and other sample preparation techniques, our specialists provide accurate analyses with enhanced precision and high recoveries.
Please use our USP <232>/<233> Request Form to submit your samples for testing today.
Elemental Analysis Laboratory
Every elemental analysis we perform follows the ICH Q3D Guidelines, current USP Guidelines, or your specific method. In addition, we can perform semi-quantitative screening or quantitative screening based on your specifications.
Please feel free to contact us for a quote, using our Sample Requirements and USP <232>/<233> Request Form.